Software Developer

Featured Writing

I enjoy sharing what I learn through blogging. You can find my full archive of writing on this site, as well as cross-posted at my profile. This page highlights posts of mine that have been shared by others.

Access Request Headers in a Rails Controller

  • Ruby Weekly #712
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #99

Four Things To Take Away From RailsConf 2024

RailsConf 2024 Recap

Making a (Sidekiq) Batch Recipe

  • Ruby Weekly #699
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #86
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #87

Tracks Not At RailsConf 2024

  • Ruby Weekly #695
  • The Ruby on Rails Podcast Show Notes #512

Joining RailsConf 2024 Program Committee

  • Short Ruby Newsletter #78

Blue Ridge Ruby 2023 Video

RubyConf 2023 Recap

Preparing Conference Talk Delivery

  • Short Ruby Newsletter #63
  • Developer Avocados Weekly #213

Building Conference Talk Content

Keeping Up With Ruby News All Week Long

  • Short Ruby Newsletter #56

Testing Inherited Behavior

  • Short Ruby Newsletter #51

Blue Ridge Ruby 2023 Recap

Flog-Driven Development

Composing Our Own Guitar Amps From Inherited Gear

Programming Guitar Greatness

  • Ruby Weekly #646
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #35
  • The Ruby Dev ( on mastodon
  • The Ruby Dev ( on twitter

Duped into modifying a frozen hash

  • Ruby Weekly #642
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #30
  • The Ruby Dev ( on mastodon
  • The Ruby Dev ( on twitter
  • DEV Community ( on twitter

Evaluating More Coverage in Ruby 3.2

  • Ruby Weekly #637
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #25
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #26

My First Code Commit in Ruby

Enumerating Musical Notes

Symmetric Spies: RSpec Test Organization

  • DEV Community ( on twitter
  • The Ruby Dev ( on twitter
  • Short Ruby Newsletter #11

Sharing Past Conference Proposals

  • Ruby Weekly #616
  • Ruby Radar #62
  • Developer Avocados Weekly #174
  • Ruby Together news
  • DEV Community ( on twitter
  • The Ruby Dev ( on twitter

Request Spec Realistic Error Response

Designing A Dependency’s Domain

  • Ruby Radar #56

Testing Dependencies: Fake It While You Make It

Searching for a Reason

Scraping Buy: Scripting for a Purchase

Finding an Initially Confusing Result in Rails

Situational Leadership: A Developer’s Business

  • DEV Community ( on twitter

Setter Method Return Values In Ruby

Ruby’s Got You Covered

Code Golf: Conditionally Add To An Array

Buffered IO Streams In Ruby

Temporary State in Tests: Bloc(k) Party

Validate CSV Input With ActiveModel::Validations

ActiveRecord’s New Takes a Block, Kid

Explain Like I’m Five

  • The Ruby Dev ( on twitter
  • The Database Dev ( on twitter

Querying PaperTrail Object Changes in JSON

Using Sonic Pi to Play Music With Ruby

Caching All Native Ruby Gem Platforms

Ruby Coverage Documentation