Ruby Friends at RubyConf 2023
Ruby Friends at RubyConf 2023 🔗
RubyConf 2023 just wrapped up. It was a pleasure meeting everyone and learning from you all. I took far too few photos, and mostly remembered to take pictures with people on the last day. With no further ado, here are the #RubyFriends pictures I took in San Diego.
In any pictures that feature more than one other person, I’ll list them from left to right as they appear in the photo. Also, I’m terrible at taking pictures. Sorry everyone.

Joël Quenneville gave a great talk right after the keynote to start the conference talk sessions. It’s so great to see him. More often than not we have to travel across the country to do so.

Daniel Magliola is a friend I’m so delighted to see at conferences. Whether he’s speaking or attending, conferences are better when he’s there.
Paul Reece shared a fantastic talk about Ruby Polars. I had the pleasure to see the talk in advance as it was being built. It was a real treat to witness the evolution.

Ufuk Kayserilioglu is a pillar of our community. I’m so pleased to see that he was recently named to the Ruby Central board. I’m excited to see what the organization will accomplish with his stewardship. Ufuk gives the most tremendous feedback and is so engaging in conversation.
Drew Bragg is a podcaster, game show host, and terrific human being. I’m extremely fortunate to ride the coattails of his conference energy.

Noel Rappin is an author and personal inspiration. I love reading his words and was so glad to talk with him in person.

Tim Riley is on the core team at Hanami, dry-rb, and rom-rb. He spoke about Hanami and led a Community Day table working on Hanami. It was a real treat to meet and explore San Diego a bit with him this week.
Until Next Time Ruby Friends 🔗
Thanks to all the #RubyFriends I met at RubyConf 2023, whether we got a picture or not. I hope everyone had a great conference.