Software Developer

Frequently Played Oct 2024

Frequently Played 🔗

I tend to listen to the same songs or albums on repeat that are evocative of how I’m feeling or what’s going on with me. Here is what I’m currently listening to over, and over, and over, and over, again.

21 Days 🔗

In my experience, it takes more than 21 days.

Full Lyrics

I miss you most
In the morning
We used to talk
Over coffee
But now
I’m gonna have to find
Another friend
When it’s over
We do the leaving
We do the crying
We do the healing
And they say
21 days till I don’t miss you

The Perfect Drug 🔗

Another entry that’s Brian Fallon and NIN. I guess that’s just where I’m at these days.

Full Lyrics

I got my heart, but my heart’s no good
And you’re the only one that’s understood

Without you
Without you everything falls apart
Without you
It’s not as much fun to pick up the pieces