Software Developer

1,000 Miles

eBike eXcitement 🔗

This evening, on the way home from gymnastics, with my daughter in the rear cargo seat, my eBike’s odometer ticked over 1,000 miles. I was riding at the time, so you’ll need to settle for the obligatory picture of it at 1,001 miles.

My bike's odometer reading 1,001 miles

And you’ll have to trust me that by getting to 1,001 I first rode 1,000 miles.

We’ve had the eBike for almost 14 months, and it’s been the primary way my daughter and I get around town. I ride her into school every day on the bike, no matter how cold it is. We ride to the playground. We go to the library. We ride in to drop her off at summer camp in the morning. Maybe we’ll go to get ice cream. We go to her activities. Stop to run an errand.

It’s nothing exciting - and that’s the point. It’s just our normal mode of transportation now.

I still have a car and use it. It averages 30.70 miles per gallon (I track it every time I fill it up with gas). That’s 32 gallons of gas I’ve saved and instead used my legs (with pedal assist powered by the solar panels on my roof). That’s not much, but it’s something. And that’s ok. I didn’t get it to save the world, but I hope it’s helping.

It’s fun. It’s a good way to get around town. My daughter enjoys it. She yells, “bike lane!” when we come across one of the (far too few) bike lines in our area. She likes climbing in the back all by herself. Here’s to the next 1,000 miles with my daughter behind me.