Best Practices Are The Best For Whom?
Appearance on the Remote Ruby Podcast
Temporary State With Blocks Post Sharing
Putting this on your (ruby) radar
Temporary State in Tests: Bloc(k) Party
Turn Bullet warnings into a Silent Alarm
CSV Validation Post Sharing
Ruby Weekly, Awesome Ruby, and dev.to - oh my!
Validate CSV Input With ActiveModel::Validations
BOOK IT! towards using existing framework functionality
Appearance on Rails With Jason Podcast
Coming to you pre-recorded on the internet
Ruby Weekly 554
ActiveRecord’s new Takes a Block, Kid
RailsConf Roundup 2021
What’s in your stack, or playlist?
ActiveRecord's New Takes a Block, Kid
Hangin’ Tough With All The Ways To Initialize An Object
Consistency Conundrum
If the only constant is change, how do we keep our code consistent?