Don’t Hang Me Out To DRY - The Proposal
Presented at RubyConf 2019
I know I can, but should I? Evaluating Alternatives - The Proposal
Presented at RailsConf 2019
Request Spec Realistic Error Response
Testing exceptional 4xx and 5xx responses in your application
Designing A Dependency's Domain
Turning one five line method into two classes and a module
Testing Dependencies: Fake It While You Make It
Surveying options for testing third-party dependencies
Searching for a Reason
Browser History Confessional
Scraping Buy: Scripting for a Purchase
An email that was music to my ears
Code and the Coding Coders who Code it Podcast Appearance
Newly released podcast episode featuring me
Joining BookBub
Starting the next chapter of my career
Browser History Confessional: Searching My Recent Searches
Searching for my latest conference talk